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Digital Economy

A new driver for growth in America

In the U.S., only certain segments of the population are benefiting from the digital economy.
Many are left behind from the digital economy. Many are left behind because of their age, limited digital literacy, lack of access, or remoteness.

Digital Economy

A new driver for growth in America

In the U.S., only certain segments of the population are benefiting from the digital economy.
Many are left behind from the digital economy. Many are left behind because of their age, limited digital literacy, lack of access, or remoteness.


Introduce policies aimed at encouraging entrepreneurship and helping startups strengthen industrial competitiveness. The increased digitization of the economy and society favors the adaptability of new, innovative business models. Using the potential of innovative business models and their positive impact on social issues shape legal regulations that are relevant to technical progress. The social acceptance of innovative solutions in the information society determines the ability to make progress and meet civilization's challenges such as climate change, the immigration of people, digital exclusion, and access to education and information.


The construction of digitalized infrastructure is vital to the development of the digital economy. Accelerating the development of the 5G network and the digitalization of traditional infrastructures, such as railways, highways, water transportation, electric power, and others, are a top priority for the federal government. The Digital Economy Alliance will work with public and private organizations to create new economic opportunities and improve Americans' lives.


There are four stages in the digital inclusion pathway:

1. Digital Access. Individuals who have never used a computer are in this first stage.
2. Digital Taste. Individuals who have used computers are in this second stage, in which they decide whether they want to use a computer for particular purposes.
3. Digital Readiness. Individuals who have used computers and have a taste for using them for specific tasks may lack the basic ICT skills needed to use the technology for a particular job effectively. Those lacking the basic technology skills are not yet "ready" to use the technology in this third stage.
4. Digital Literacy. Individuals who have used computers and have taste and readiness for using them are in this final stage. They systematically develop their uses of information and communication technologies (ICT) and proficiency in solving problems.

Different strategies may be needed to facilitate digital inclusion among specific populations at different digital inclusion pathways. The Digital Economy Alliance will work with different stakeholders to include all Americans in the digital economy. No American can be left behind.


According to the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, in 2018, the digital economy supported 8.8 million jobs, which accounted for 5.7 percent of total U.S. employment (154.7 million jobs) (chart 3). The digital economy supported more jobs than the construction industry, and the industry was made up of "other" services, except the government. Employees working in the digital economy earned $105,473 in average annual compensation compared to $70,858 on average annual compensation per worker for the total U.S. economy. The Digital Economy Alliance will support policies that contribute to developing the digital economy as an essential means of creating jobs.

The development and progress of technology will inevitably improve social efficiency and liberate the workforce. Changes in the employment structure require that education, social security, and other fields accelerate reforms and respond beforehand. Elected officials need to understand the new economy and propose policies that foster economic growth and protect all Americans' well-being.


The President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology of the USA pointed out in its “Federal Energy Research and Development Plan for the 21st Century” that the application of industrial wireless technology is going to increase the efficiency of industrial production by 10% and reduce emissions and pollution by 25%.


Promoting the manufacturing industry's digital transformation is helpful to economic transformation and upgrading and helps to foster new drivers for economic growth. There are opportunities to leverage the USMCA to build a robust manufacturing industry in America supported by Canada and Mexico. It's time to make the "Made in America" brand the strongest in the world again.


Digital technology promotes the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries such as manufacturing, agriculture, and retailing and accelerates and empowers the transformation of public services industries with high entry barriers such as education, healthcare, and transportation to improve people's livelihood.

- The internet facilitates the comprehensive sharing of education for all, promoting equity in education, stimulating individualized learning, and reshaping the business format in education.

- The penetration of new information technology into the traditional healthcare industry is bound to bring about a revolution and reshape a new ecology for healthcare. There aren't valid excuses to justify why Americans have to wait several weeks or even months to make an appointment for a medical service.

- Digital transportation by creating a fair, efficient, safe, convenient, and environmentally friendly transportation system, digital transportation strives to meet Americans' growing travel and transportation needs in the digital economy and society. Digital transportation includes detailed, dynamic, and smart management and control of transportation and convenient and safe transportation services.


The goal is to build an e-commerce ecosphere for rural economic development and facilitate the development of various regions characterized by agricultural industrialization. A framework of coordinated development of various economic entities and major e-commerce enterprises in rural areas is beginning to take shape, which is bound to play an active role in rural areas' economic development, especially poverty-stricken areas, increasing farmers' incomes and improving people's quality of life. Rural e-commerce is playing an increasingly important role in poverty alleviation and poverty reduction.

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